Friday, November 7, 2014

We cannot live without prana

Hari Om.

Your whole lifetime is engineered by God, and God only engineers the destiny of lives by the number of breaths he gives us. We fix that by how we breathe those breaths. In comparison, it’s like a cellphone. 2 people can top it up for the same amount of money but one might use it longer than the other person. That’s the way we use this breath.

Kriya Babaji is a perfect example of the usage of breath and all of us should catch ourselves breathing and change the way we breathe so we can enjoy for a longer period this journey given to us by God. Whatever we do in life – eating sleeping, breathing, walking – is all based on yoga. And the total concept of yoga is based on pranayama. Prana is the life force energy that enters the body and sustains the body through your existence in the time given to you determined by the number of breaths God has given you. It is the most important aspect of this body. The day your prana disappears is the day you disappear and become just a body, you’ll no longer be a father a mother, or a son, anymore – but just a body. The identity of the father, son or mother is in the prana. When I call you I’m calling your prana because that is your existence. Once the prana is gone you’re just a body.

We are all living in just the body. We are not living the prana, the most important aspect of this journey is breathing – not eating. You can live without food for a number of days but you cannot live without prana for an hour – you’ll die. That is how important the life force energy is. And the beauty of this journey is that when both members of a household walk the journey together, a total state of bliss is easily attained. It is very important to understand that. This is not a single journey for a householder. It is a journey for both householders because the most important ingredients in any household are devotion, dedication and discipline. And the most important ingredient to attain states of bhakti is the same: devotion, dedication and discipline. And only these ingredients can spice up the spiritual journey. Only after attaining the spiritual journey will you realize what life is all about. It’s not about running in the park or the bush, it’s much bigger than that and as long as you don’t understand this concept of life, and life itself you’ll understand nothing on this plane or in this universe.

As Paramahansa Yogananda said, “You are a single unit of pure consciousness”. But we are not living by that. Instead we are living by the mind and letting it continually dictate to us how we should live this life. How should we live this life? There are only 4 aspects to this life: the Kriya Babaji Mantra states them clearly – “Om Kriya Babaji namaha aum”. To attain the state of Om you have to nullify the state of aum. Aum is your states of wakefulness, sleep and deep dreaming. Om is the universal existence of consciousness called God. And how do we explain the states of aum? In your waking state it’s like you’re standing on the first floor of a building looking out of the window. What you see outside is the awake state. The sleep state is when you’re on the second floor looking out of the window – you can see the first floor and the second floor. The deep dreaming state is when you’re on the third floor and seeing all three floors. But the ultimate state is standing on the roof and being able to see everything, that one pure conscious called God, or the state of turiye. It is a very important state in our lives, and it is important to attain it in this lifetime. But we cannot attain it because we are living in the aum state continually – either awake, sleeping or dreaming. When we are awake we become the greatest faculty of food, then we sleep and start dreaming. And all that is based on the anamaya kosha, the physical body. But the Om state, the state of turiya, is the anandamaya kosha, the most blissful state of the body and we need to attain that state in this present lifetime – that state of total purity. And once we attain it we have attained the state of turiye, a very important state on this journey of ours through the material plane.

Everything we do in this life whether playing music, singing, sitting and daydreaming – is all yoga. It is all based on your breath. When you’re in a deep dream state you breathe slower than when you’re in a sleep state. When you sleep you breathe slower than in your waking state. We all need to transform, but how are we going to do that? It is done by continuously reciting the name of the Lord. The most important aspect is the name of the Lord. Subconsciously, at the back of your head you must have that name 24/7, and then you will receive great heights of liberation, of moksha, and attain nirvakalpa samadhi – but we need to first start by understanding prana. Once we understand that then everything else is easy.

Hari om.