What do crystals do? Crystals are God's natural healing tools. Crystal healing started in the East but if you go to the East now it's not done there now, it's all happening in the West: in America and Europe. That's what they're using now, crystals and healing bowls. We have some people here who swear by the healing bowl. It heals you. it took us a long time to accept this because we come from a different culture in South Africa. We must go to the temple get some ashes, blow on everybody's table and then offer samoosas to everybody to eat. That is South African culture. If the temple doesn't give you ashes then there's a problem. But see how much of what is ours is now taken to the West and made theirs. All the stones you are holding now are crystals from Tibet and Nepal – the stones are very unique. And, as I showed you just now, they will open up in your hand if you are sick, and heal you.
As I said to those at pournami: 2014 is not going to be a very good year. I ask all of you, I urge and plead, have one thing in your head, and that is God. Listen to the Gayathri Mantra daily. Play it in your home, consciously or unconsciously, and it will heal you. It is the greatest mantra of all time and it has been proved by many people to work. You will find that you will be blessed during the day. To all those who are doing the Shri Chakra Maha Meru Maha Vidja Luxmi prayer tomorrow, you will receive a yantra that will protect you during these times, especially if you're a businessperson. In 2014 the recession will start in india and filter right through to us, so have God in your mind continuously, and nothing else. I will say my famous line: just as you have such great bhakti for your cellphone, have the same bhakti for God. Most of you have such great bhakti for your cellphone that you don't go anywhere without it. Let God be your companion as well, not just your cellphone. There's no point in saying, 'God is punishing me'. You make up a lot of stories.
You are given this journey in this human life and, on this journey you are also given many opporunities to attain the states of yoga - union with God. It is just that we are caught up so much in our material self, and with the material plane, that the truth, the atma, is neglected in our daily lifestyle. Ask anybody now, they are fasting, doing Kavady here and there, and when Sunday comes and the final Kavady is finished, Monday's Kavady is forgotten and we go back to our normal life 'till next year this time. It shouldn't be like that. We should remember Muruga daily, Ram daily, Gayathri daily, Jesus daily … Every day have a beautiful saying; every day have something to carry you through the day – an affirmation. Every day say: 'In the raidance of Babaji, the light of the gurus, and in the glory of Christ, may this day be a most perfect one'. If you can say that daily, your day will be the most beautiful.
It is not just Hindus who are going to suffer in 2014, it's everybody. We are given the opportunity to change. You might believe that other religions don't believe in bad luck – graha – but the Christians light a candle to burn away negative things that might be affecting them. Every religion has their own way. One of the most important things is 2014 is that it is the year of seven, Sani's year. Some of you are thinking that you pray, pray, pray, but you don't have the time to pray continuously. You are more interested in other things, believing what your mind tells you. It will tell you a lot of rubbish, and you'll believe it. That this is right and that is wrong – because the mind is telling you that. You must listen to the Self; and only by listening to the Self can you attain the state of yoga – union with God. Experience the state of samadhi – union with God, and you will feel really good.
For a moment, when those people were standing in the singing bowl just now, they were attaining the state of samadhi - when you have no control of your body, and you don't even know that you have a body, or that you are standing there. You can all enjoy that state of samadhi. I am going to conclude now. And you are all going to repeat after me: 'In the radiance of Babaji, in the light of our gurus, in the glory of Christ – may we all go through 2014 without any obstacles, without any pain, without any worry, with God in our minds. Om shanti. Amen'.