The beginning of spring and the beginning of autumn are very important times of climatic change and solar influence. These are the two periods chosen to worship the divine feminine energy of the Mother, and are determined according to the lunar months or lunar calendar.
Be reminded that Navarathri is actually celebrated five times a year during Vasanta Navarathri, Ashada Navarathri, Sharad Navarathri, Magha Navarathri and Paush Navarathri. But we are celebrating Sharad Navarathri tonight, observed during the month of Puratashi. Sharad Navarathri is the most important of all navarathris, therefore it is commonly called Maha Navarathri.
Navarathri is dedicated to the feminine nature of the Divine. Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati are symbols of three dimensions of the feminine. They also represent the three basic qualities of existence: tamas, rajas and sattva. Tamas means inertia. Rajas means activity or passion. Sattva, in a way, is the breaking of boundaries, dissolution, melting and merging.
Among the three celestial objects to which the very making of our bodies is very deeply connected – the Earth, the Sun and the Moon – Mother Earth is considered tamas; the Sun is rajas; the Moon is sattva. Those who aspire to power, for immortality, for strength, will worship those forms of the feminine which are referred to as tamas, like Kali or Mother Earth. Those who aspire to wealth, passion, life and various gifts that the material world has to offer, naturally aspire towards that form of the feminine referred to as Lakshmi or the Sun. Those aspiring to knowledge, knowing, and transcending the limitations of the mortal body, will aspire to that aspect of the feminine which is referred to as sattva – Saraswati, or the Moon, is representative of this.
To approach these nine days, and every other aspect of life in a celebratory way is most important. If you approach everything in a celebratory way, you learn to be non-serious about life but at the same time absolutely involved. The problem with most human beings right now is if they think something is important, they will become dead serious about it. If they think it is not so important, they will become lax about it – and don't show the necessary involvement. The secret of life is in seeing everything with a non-serious eye but being absolutely involved, like a game.
Tamas is the nature of the Earth, and she is the one who gives birth. The gestation period that we spend in the womb is tamas; it is a state which is almost like hibernation, but we are growing. Tamas is the nature of the Earth and of your birth. The moment you come out, you start activity – rajas begins. And if you are aware enough (or fortunate enough) sattva will touch you. Investing in these three will influence your life in a certain way. If you invest in tamas, you will be powerful in one way; if you invest in rajas, you will be powerful in a different way; if you invest in sattva, you will be powerful in a completely different way. You must draw upon these three dimensions of existence and sustenance for yourself because you need all three. But if you go beyond all this, it is no longer about power, it is about liberation.
After Navarathri, the tenth and final day of Dussehra is Vijayadashami – that means you have conquered all three of these qualities. You did not give into any of them, you saw through every one of them. You participated in every one of them, but you did not invest in any one of them; you won over them. That is Vijayadashmi, the day of victory.